Koala Life

Koala Life

The International Koala Centre of Excellence (IKCE)

To ensure the Koala lives safely and thrives within our community, the South Australian Government has established the IKCE, a research organisation, which will lead vital research into our understanding of the Koala.

The IKCE raises funds which support and direct ground-breaking research into the biology, management and conservation of the Koala. The IKCE is governed by a Board, and has a team of committed scientists and influential ambassadors, who are all working together to support koala conservation.


Why we need the International Koala Centre of Excellence

We need best practice science to ensure koalas survive into the future. Disease, climate change, loss of habitat, and overcrowding bringing the risk of starvation, are key threats to koalas across Australia. Koalas are also threatened as they increasingly move into urban areas, crossing roads and visiting our backyards.

Koalas are listed as vulnerable to extinction in Australia’s eastern states. In South Australia, Koala numbers are higher and potentially, this State may have the last of the world’s significant koala populations. With that comes the responsibility to help ensure the survival of the species.


To Visit the Koala Life Website